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The student news site of Amador Valley High School


The student news site of Amador Valley High School


The student news site of Amador Valley High School


Auguste McDaniel

Auguste McDaniel, Staff Writer

     Auguste McDaniel ('23) is a sophomore who is now undergoing his first year of Journalism (2020-21). He moved to California from Maryland 3 years ago, and ever since 8th grade, had a keen interest in art and video. Auguste Started his Amador journey working with Mrs Connelly in an amazing  graphic design course, and instantly fell in love with advertising, broadcasting, and press, and found out about Journalism through his fellow designers. Auguste is a dancer in his spare time, and loves collaborating and getting those creative juices flowing.

      Auguste is also a professional procrastinator, having won the “Procrastinators Honors Competition” in 2008, and also happens to be a 3 time winner in “ Least Functional Person Award” from 2010-2014. Despite all this success, Auguste still manages to be the best he can be, and always grabs inspiration from others to develop his skill, and style as much as he can, and yes, will dance for money.

All content by Auguste McDaniel
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Auguste McDaniel