Zaynah Shah, Amadon Editor-In-Chief
In her third year with AV Journalism, Zaynah Shah (‘24) is an Amadon Editor-in-Chief for the 2023-2024 school year. While on the job, she enjoys running from one end of campus to the other trying to contact people of interest, take photos, and gather research for whatever story she may be writing. Zaynah is a class of 2023 graduate of the California Scholastic Press Association where she won the Jay Berman Memorial Award for excellence in journalism. She also serves her city as a Youth Commissioner, developing legislation and working alongside city officials to help serve the youth of Pleasanton.
In her free time, she will likely be caught doing absolutely nothing, reading novels through the night, or questioning existence itself. She loves everything Marvel related and will not hesitate to defend Magneto’s standpoint on mutant liberation to anyone who will listen. Her favorite things to do are to learn and explore, whether that be through her surroundings, new skills or experiences. Despite her less than cheery disposition, she is incredibly passionate about the work she does and hopes to continue exploring her way through the world.