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The student news site of Amador Valley High School


The student news site of Amador Valley High School


The student news site of Amador Valley High School


Yu Zhu

Yu Zhu, Staff Writer

Yu Zhu (’25) is a new AVJ member in their junior year at Amador Valley High School. Having moved to Pleasanton at the start of their freshman year, they have been living in the area for the last three years. Although Yu doesn’t like watching TV or movies all that much, they do enjoy reading magazines and reading other articles occasionally, as well as taking photographs and writing stories. They have dabbled in writing their own fiction, typing down plots and arranging storylines and settings when ideas hit, but no story has been written yet.

Having finished the Harry Potter series in their fifth year of elementary school, Yu is an avid reader, enjoying the fantasy, adventure, and horror genres, though they would also often venture into reading other genres as well. Music is a major part of their life, and Yu listens to a variety of songs every day. They also enjoy art and creating small models(although they’re DIY as of now, Yu is hoping to expand to building their own models one day, free of rulebooks). Apart from these hobbies, they also enjoy debating and arguing against people online, whether they be about symbolism in books or logical inconsistencies in a piece of text.

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Yu Zhu