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The student news site of Amador Valley High School


The student news site of Amador Valley High School


The student news site of Amador Valley High School


Jan Schullerus

Jan Schullerus, Staff Writer

Joining Journalism as a sophomore, Jan is super excited to be a creative part of the team. Being from Germany he’s a bit afraid to have linguistic problems but is also very excited to take on the challenge and improve his writing skills. He’s sure that he will be able to bring something new to the table in a cultural way and is looking forward to bring interesting ideas and topics closer to his fellow students at Amador Valley High. 

Having his father as a journalistic role model he’s hoping to follow in his footsteps and devote his time to exploring exciting stories. Outside of school, he likes to hang out with his friends and read. Next to hobbies like playing the guitar or watching Netflix. His biggest passion is playing handball which is a big sport in Germany.

All content by Jan Schullerus
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Jan Schullerus