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The student news site of Amador Valley High School


The student news site of Amador Valley High School


The student news site of Amador Valley High School


Jack Chen

Jack Chen, Staff Writer

Jack Chen (’22) is a junior testing the waters of the AV Journalism team. When Jack was only halfway through kindergarten, he came to Pleasanton, bright-eyed and ready to take on a new town. Now, halfway through highschool, he’s just another nerdy guy trying to hold himself together. Everything’ll be fine, right? Right? Seriously, this guy is a nerd. Sci-fi, fantasy, history, documentaries, and all the rest sticks to this dude’s brain. He’s a flippin’ sponge.

He likes to call himself a “Jack of all trades”… anyway, Jack dabbles in a lot of random, er, things. Clay sculpting, 3D modeling, programming, building, drawing, animating, vocal impressions, music production, you name it. This guy probably knows something about it(even if it is somewhat useless information). He loves talking, though that talking usually ends up becoming ranting or rambling. Beware, his spiels about anything can become spiels about more things and then not even he can tell you where it all began. Jack would love to at least improve some of his current amateurish interests so that eventually, he may be able to say to himself, “I’m a master of one and I’m rubbish at everything else.”

All content by Jack Chen
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Jack Chen