Holly Hayes, Senior Staff Writer
Holly Hayes (‘28) is a freshman new to AV Journalism excited to join this year. She hopes to learn more about writing news stories, editing TV segments, and learning photography by dabbling in AVJ-run programs like the Amadon and AVtv. From a young age, Holly developed a passion for creative and informational writing which she hopes to use this year in AVJ.
In her free time, she can be found curled up with her cat, dog, and her newest favorite book, delving into the night with a burning determination to finish it before the next day. To relax, she enjoys playing a round of golf with her father and sister, playing the piano, or practicing ballet. She travels to China every summer with her family to visit her grandparents. Her favorite book always has been and always will be Harry Potter, although other books such as Where The Red Fern Grows and Lockwood and Co. pose a certain allure as well.