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The student news site of Amador Valley High School


The student news site of Amador Valley High School


The student news site of Amador Valley High School


Dylan Rios, Staff Writer

Dylan Rios is a senior and first year member of Amador Valley Journalism. He hopes to write many stories and branch out as a Senior staff writer. What Dylan is most passionate about is sports. Sports, specifically baseball and football, truly shaped who is and he feels it gave him a purpose in life, so he would love to get into sports writing this year as well as other forms of media, strengthen his writing skills and gain a new found confidence in his work. Dylan has always loved writing whether it was in school essays or just writing short stories in his down time and he is ecstatic to branch out and try new things this year. 


Outside of school, Dylan mostly sleeps, eats way too much food, his favorite being Hawaiian pizza (yes he thinks pineapple is amazing on pizza), and hangs out with his dog Sonny. Speaking of pets, Dylan’s house consists of 3 dogs, 2 cats, and 2 turtles named Cuff and Link which is a reference to one of the greatest movies of all time…Rocky. He loves just being home where he is comfortable, not really one to go out all of the time, his perfect Friday night is laying in bed watching some movies.

All content by Dylan Rios
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Dylan Rios