Daniel McInnis, Staff Writer
Daniel McInnis, age 14, has aspired to be a great baseball player the day he layed eyes on the game. Emerged in the idea of loud crowds, flashing lights, and homerun derbys, Daniel has been a finatic since the early age of 5 years old. Throughout the years, he’s gone through injuries, slumps, and setbacks, always pushing through to the next year. This past year has been the most difficult for Daniel, when he suffered a stress fracture in his lower back. His long and hard recovery over the summer has paid off, and he plans to start playing baseball again this spring.
Daniel has many plans for the future, but he also has some quite humurous moments on the baseball field, which he told us at our interview today. “So we had this one early game… At like 4 o’clock in the morning. An hour long drive, and then we had to warm up. Ususally while warming up coach plays music to help us get “hyped” up. Well, he played the wrong playlist on accident and it was his wive’s playlist! We fell down with laughter when we heard the Justin Beiber playing! My coach almost dropped the speaker on the ground… He was that suprised!”