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The student news site of Amador Valley High School


The student news site of Amador Valley High School


The student news site of Amador Valley High School


Brendan Ho

Brendan Ho, Staff Writer

Sophomore Brendan Ho (’26) is a new member of AVJ in the 2023 – 2024 school year. With not the greatest (or really any) people skills, he hopes to be able to meet more people and learn more about Amador. With an interest in photography and video production rather than writing or editing, he hopes to be able to improve his photography and video production skills throughout the year. He does not plan on making this into a career, but instead plans on going into computer science like most others.

However, even though he hopes to improve at these things, he instead spends his time making art or games, or just playing video games with his friends. Sometimes enjoying challenging himself, he tries to do stupid things that he does not need to trying to get better. Without any real interest in sports, the one sport that he will actually do is track and field, and it is really the only physical activity that he does throughout the year. He has tried many different sports, but did not really enjoy them, and would rather just sit at home and be chair-potato.

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Brendan Ho