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The student news site of Amador Valley High School


The student news site of Amador Valley High School


The student news site of Amador Valley High School


How are holidays celebrated in other countries?

Mary Kate Machi, Staff Writer December 13, 2018

90 percent of the people in America celebrate Christmas. The second Thanksgiving dinner is over, red and green lights, Christmas trees, Santa, gifts, cookie-decorating, and stockings can be seen everywhere....

Are we prepared for disaster?

Madison Vanhole, Staff Writer November 30, 2018

The recent fires throughout California have raised safety concerns. Are we, as a community, prepared for a fire if one were to come our way? What can we do to prevent such a tragedy? Since we have never...

Thanksgiving Break Recap

Lilou Sicard-Noel, Staff Writer November 25, 2018

Thanksgiving is one of the most important celebration days. It’s a great time to see the family, to eat turkey and it also the time that we realized that Christmas is coming up. Thanksgiving originated...

Veteran’s Day

Casey Chang, Staff Writer November 15, 2018

Last Sunday, November 11, was Veterans day, which is the holiday that celebrates those who have fought for our country. Over time, Veterans Day has evolved from honoring those who sacrificed their lives...

Take A Peek at the Highlights Of Disabilities Awareness Week!

Take A Peek at the Highlights Of Disabilities Awareness Week!

Soumya Sahay and Katalina Garber November 14, 2018

The week of November 5th, 2018 was an important week for Amador; students and staff were given the opportunity to learn more about disabilities and the different kinds of people the world has to offer. “I’m...

Japanese Fall Festival Recap

Casey Chang, Staff Writer November 13, 2018

Every year, the Japanese language classes host their Fall Festival to raise money. This year the Japanese class was able to donate over $2,500 to UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital in Oakland. This...

The Danger of the Expo Marker

Aishni Jolly and Alexis Waiss November 13, 2018

Almost every classroom at Amador has a whiteboard supplied with Expo markers.  Between schools, universities, and other institutions, roughly 400 million whiteboard markers are thrown out every year...

Halloween Costume Highlights

Casey Chang, Staff Writer November 7, 2018

The annual tradition of giving out candy, apple bobbing, and dressing up, all come from Europe over 2,000 years ago to celebrate and honor the passed. Areas like the United Kingdom, the Roman Empire,...

The Day Of The Dead Comes Back To Life!

Soumya Sahay, Page Editor October 31, 2018

Día De Los Muertos, or The Day of the Dead, is a Mexican holiday celebrating the souls of those who have died. The holiday takes place from October 31, 2018 to November 2, 2018. Similar to the...

Spooky Superstitions at Amador High

Chehel Lakhwara, Staff Writer October 30, 2018

Superstitions and spooks go hand in hand, especially during the month of Halloween. A superstition is an excessively credulous belief in and reverence for supernatural beings. Many cultures hold strong...

We Love Everything Pumpkin

Nidhi Patel and Milli Patel October 19, 2018

Fall has finally arrived and it is the perfect season for pumpkins. Pumpkins are used for a variety of things around this time of the year. Not only do they make cute decorations, but they taste delicious...

Ignite! 2.0 takes Pleasanton

Maddie Dutra, Amadon Editor-in-Chief October 19, 2018

Last Saturday, October 13th, the Pleasanton Firehouse Arts center hosted 'Ignite! 2.0', a festival that celebrates music, art, science, and innovation. The event took place downtown along Railroad Avenue...

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