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The student news site of Amador Valley High School


The student news site of Amador Valley High School


The student news site of Amador Valley High School


The Diversity in The Oscars

Zachary Nicholas, Staff Writer February 26, 2020

As seen in the graph, the highest viewership in recent memory came in 2014. This year, there was a large amount of diversity at the awards. 12 Years a Slave was the frontrunner in nominations, and Ellen...

January’s Favorites: books, television shows, and other entertainment

Chehel Lakhwara, Staff Writer February 4, 2020

It just seems like the decade started but in reality, the month of January has already sped by in full glory. Along with the month came a collection of new books and TV-Shows, as well as award ceremonies....

The psychology behind toxic relationships and friendships

Marisa Fidone, Staff Writer January 28, 2020

A healthy relationship should have honesty, compassion, and empathy. At least once in a lifetime, young adults have faced cross-roads in friendships. Signs of toxicity come subtly in the beginning, often...

Students should begin to practice healthy habits to increase their success at school.

5 Healthy Habits Amador students should implement for increased success

Sarah Banholzer, Derry Xu, and Mark Lester December 17, 2019

As we say goodbye to 2019 and welcome in the new year, it's the perfect time to say goodbye to our bad habits, and learn new tips and tricks on how to be more productive and successful in 2020. In...

How Amador tackles stress during finals season

How Amador tackles stress during finals season

Amador Valley High School always tries its best to support students throughout their high school career. In an effort to help students reduce their stress during finals week, Amador’s counselors set...

Tips for Finals

Lindsay Gewirtz, Staff Writer December 13, 2019

Finals are coming up very soon and it is important to study so you can be more prepared and less stressed. Students around Amador have different ways to study that increase how prepared they are and could...

The Junior class experiences the "Roaring 20s" during 1920s Day

The Junior class experiences the “Roaring 20s” during 1920s Day

Emma Hodges and Sarah Banholzer November 25, 2019

     1920s Day here at Amador is a celebration of the Roaring 20s hosted by the Junior history classes. 1920s Day at Amador has been an ongoing tradition for the Junior class for many years now...

Sickness Breaks out at Pleasanton Middle School

Chehel Lakhwara, Page Editor November 5, 2019

It is just the start of Cold season and already hundreds of students all over the county have been reported to have mild to severe cases of stomach flu such as gastroenteritis, West Nile disease and neurological...

Harvest Dance

Emma Hodges, Social Media Editor-in-Chief November 5, 2019

Every year, Amador hosts the Harvest Dance for special needs students here and from other schools across the TriValley. Leadership helps set up this amazing opportunity by contributing a student DJ, food,...

AV’s Halloween Tradition

Soumya Sahay, Social Media Editor-in-Chief November 4, 2019

October 31 is always a fun and exciting time for students at Amador---it’s Halloween! Not only do students get to skip school the day after the holiday, but they also get to dress up in their costumes...

Evan Grell named to Freshman Hoco Court!

AV Homecoming 2019 Photo Album

AVJournalism Photo Team October 30, 2019

Our photographers were all over during Homecoming! We have hundreds of pictures from the rally, game, and dance. Here is the link to the 2019 AV Homecoming Photo Album: click here. Here is...

Dalynn Miller, AV’s talented singer and songwriter

Rut Bansal, Bella Mayo, and Trisha Khattar September 30, 2019

With over 20,000 monthly listeners on Spotify and 1,713 subscribers on Youtube, Amador student, verified artist, and outstanding lyricist Dalynn Miller (‘21) continues to demonstrate that talent and...

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