How are teachers planning to incorporate the holiday spirit virtually?

Sra. Lord Eyewe

Christmas decorations on Sra. Lord Eyewe’s door from December 2019. This year, students will not be able to participate in similar activities.

Austin Coyne, Staff Writer

This holiday season, teachers are looking to celebrate with their classes in any way that remote learning will allow for. As with most everything else this year, these celebrations will look different.

Both shortened instruction time and limited teaching capabilities pose as obstacles for the traditional holiday festivities held in classrooms. Online learning means teachers must sacrifice the activities and lessons which they had enjoyed in years past.

“I plan to have my AP students write a cultural comparison between the holiday celebrations in their family vs. a Spanish-speaking country,” said Spanish teacher Sra. Lord-Eyewe.

Incorporating the holidays will differ this year, as teachers will likely have to settle for small, holiday-themed assignments to encompass the season’s spirit.

“I probably will only address the holiday theme with the AP French class and have them do a research project on the celebration of holidays in French speaking countries around the world,” said French teacher Madame Benadjaoud. 

In addition, teachers shared what they will be missing most from the holiday season on campus. From school-wide events to class-specific activities, there is a lot to be missed.

“I was looking forward to participating in the door decorating contest with my Spanish II students this year.  Last year, my 4th-period class gave it their all and won the contest and the pizza prize,” said Lord-Eyewe. 

Beloved activities, such as the door decorating competition, will have to be dropped this year. And in order to work with our distanced learning situation, in-class activities will need to be reimagined. 

“In previous years we had a reading activity for Thanksgiving and about how this holiday is celebrated in French speaking Canada. Students made thank you cards to give to friends and family. For Christmas we sometimes went on a scavenger hunt to collect information about the celebration of Christmas in French speaking countries or we played a Christmas holiday bingo. We were always singing famous Christmas songs in French,” said Benadjaoud. 

Just like the start of the school year, teachers will be required to adapt this holiday season. But they are still looking for ways to bring energy back into learning. 

“This year, I don’t know what I will do to bring a little excitement to online learning; any ideas?” said Lord-Eyewe.

There may be a lot missing from this holiday season, but it only means that there will be room for improvisation too.