September “Breakfast at Vic’s” raises money for seniors
Every Wednesday of the Month of September saw proceeds of Vic’s All Star Kitchen go to the AV Senior Class.
October 3, 2020
With countless cancellations and postponements brought on by COVID-19, the Senior Parent Group has been working to ensure that the class of 2021 is able to have even a fraction of the senior year many dream of. They recently put together a month-long fundraiser at Vic’s All Star Kitchen.
“We decided on Vic’s because we wanted to try and help a local business that has always been supportive of Amador and try to bring the senior class together safely during these times. Vic’s was really excited to work with us and give back to Amador,” said AVHS Senior Parent Group member Andrea Sowers.
This busy year, filled with memorable events starting with senior beach day and sunrise and ending with Ball and senior breakfast, as well as grad night, is organized namely by Leadership, the Senior Class officers, and the Senior Parent Group.
“I really hope that we’ll be able to do some of these activities because, even if we are virtual or in person, I feel like they’re events that so many people have been looking forward to for years so it would be amazing if we can still do some of them and it’s awesome that these parents are helping to try to make these happen! Also I thought that the dairy day was such a sweet idea!” said Nikki Bondale (‘21).
Last Wednesday, 09/23, the Senior Parents organized an Amador Senior Day at the Dairy, where all AV seniors received a free purple and yellow cone. The parent group acknowledges the difficulties this year has brought and is pulling out all the stops to make this year memorable.
“This year may be a bit different but the senior parent group is working hard to try and plan some creative, new events during this tough time for the senior class,” said Sowers.
Funds are important when it comes to putting on these events, which is why the Senior Parent Group selected Vic’s, a well-known downtown Pleasanton restaurant, for this weekly fundraiser. It took place every Wednesday of September from 7 to 10 am.
“Fundraisers help our community but they also help our business, so everybody benefits from that. I am more than happy to help high schools or anybody who wants the support,” said Vic’s owner Laura Castro.
Fundraisers benefit all parties involved: The organization receives funds, and the business receives, well, business. This exchange is particularly meaningful to small businesses, who have faced greater challenges with the pandemic.
“Restaurant business right now has been a challenge, but it’s a positive challenge. I’m learning so much and it’s my first experience as an owner to be in this business, but it’s been good. I have a lot of loyal customers, so that helps me so much,” said Castro.
With a wide variety of menu options, extensive outdoor seating, and a take-out option, Vic’s was an ideal place to host a fundraiser. All the customer had to do is drop their receipt in a box at the end of their meal.
“I thought that the fundraiser was really fun! Vic’s is already a very fun place that a lot of people in town go to and so it was a great idea to have a fundraiser there,” said Bondale.
With future events in the works, the fundraising efforts don’t stop there. The parent group is working to create additional fundraisers to make these senior festivities memorable.
“We are looking at organizing other dining opportunities that benefit both the restaurant and the senior class. The funds will be used to support and celebrate the senior class in various ways throughout the year,” said Senior Parent Group social media coordinator Lorrie Drucker.
The Senior Parent Group is determined to create positive memories for the class of 2021 in their last year at AV, so to make sure you don’t miss out on future fundraisers and events, you can follow their Instagram @avseniorparents2021, find them on Facebook, or check out their website.