‘Back to School!’
August 14, 2020
A three-episode mini-series with interviews and information about what school will look like this year. Our first episode includes information about scheduling and the new virtual Amador virtual learning platform called ‘Clever.’ The second episode focuses on how Leadership, ASB, and LINK will operate this year, and how they will continue to connect students. The third and last episode contains tips, tricks, and advice on how to handle distance learning this year!
This episode includes an interview from Mr. Butterfield, our principal, on why Amador chose to use our current schedule and Clever. Here are the links to the bell schedule, Clever, and the textbook pick-up schedule.
Music: Save Us Now by Shane Ivers – https://www.silvermansound.com
With interviews from LINK advisor Mary Scavone, Leadership teachers Amy Suto and Sara Marek, and ASP President Megan Sloane, this episode explains how school activities will work this year! The link to the club website where you find and sign up for as many clubs as you would like is here.
Music: Save Us Now by Shane Ivers – https://www.silvermansound.com
For our last episode, we have some advice, collected from various sites and experts, to make learning at home easier and for you to be more successful! Here is the link to the Tom Ford article we mention briefly on how to set up your laptop for Zoom calls just right.
Music: Save Us Now by Shane Ivers – https://www.silvermansound.com
Tape Star by Shane Ivers – https://www.silvermansound.com