Amador holds a drive-though graduation for seniors to say goodbye
June 4, 2020
The class of 2020 may have lost the end of their senior year, but that didn’t stop the PUSD from giving them some form of graduation.
“Graduation is a milestone that marks a significant accomplishment for our students and it was important for our administration to create an opportunity for parents to share in this experience with their seniors,”said AVHS principal Josh Butterfield.

On June 3rd and June 4th, Amador held the first-ever drive-through graduation in front of the Amador front parking lot. Extremely well organized by the Amador staff, the event carried out from 1:00-3:00 both days. Seniors got to drive through and one by one received their diplomas and get their picture taken on stage.
“We have worked incredibly hard to honor the components of our traditional graduation ceremony, (between our virtual ceremony, senior signs, and drive through diploma pick up) in order to celebrate our students. We are all proud of our seniors for their perseverance during this epidemic,” said Butterfield.
Despite being in the hot sun, the event was very fun and full of Amador pride. The whole field and the entire fence along the parking lot were decked out with purple and gold streamers and signs, all just for the seniors.
Even with their last year of high school cut short, not one frowning senior was spotted coming out of their car, with their proud family members and friends behind them.
Everyone has taken hits in these hard times, but the Amador community was able to make the very best of a bad situation, giving everyone something to be happy about.