City of Pleasanton re-opens weekly farmers market

Casey Chang, Photo Editor

  • During the middle of May the farmers market reopened, with COVID-19 caution rules. Throughout the market there are many vendors, but they are all at least six feet apart.

  • “Since we are a small business, we don’t have the big connections to sell to big companies. So all our little stuff we cut down and bunch up and the market allows us to sell and get a little income out of it,” said a worker at Santa Rosa Flowers.

  • There are also signs designating people where to stand in line. While every vendor wears a face covering and you may not touch any of the products to avoid contamination.

  • It is very important to support local small businesses because it is a difficult time for everyone. The farmers market is a great way to show support, while continuing social distancing.

  • At the Farmers Market you can see produce such as cherries, tomatoes, honey, and much more.

  • Due to COVID-19 caution 8-9 am is designated for those of high risk and the elderly.

  • “The Pacific Coast Farmers’ Market Association (PCFMA), have been designated by Governor Newsom as essential businesses as part of the Shelter in Place order. At PCFMA, we are committed to operating our farmers’ markets safely, to provide the Bay Area with fresh produce during this challenging time,” said the PCFMA website.

  • Not only does the farmers market help small businesses, it is also a great reason to get out of the house.

  • “It’s been great man, its been closed for a while, we’ve been short on business so this market has been a great help.” said Damian from Moon Meadow Natural Beef and Livestock.

  • “Well it gives us a chance to sell our product, we’ve been at a two month standway, we havent been able to move some of our products so it’s nice to see people want to buy the produce” said Mike from B & B Ranch.

  • For the most part, the farmers market seemed like it went well and people followed the guidelines from the PCFMA.

  • All venders and customers were required to wear some sort of facial protection, whether that be a mask, bandana, scarf, etc.