Seniors will write an essay in place of their community service hours
As students are now completing all classwork online, many now wonder how grades will work during the school dismissal.
April 1, 2020
At Amador, seniors are required to complete 20 community service hours with a non-profit organization in order to graduate. The purpose of these hours is for students to be engaged with their community and find ways to help those around them. Common places that students usually go to volunteer include: Pleasanton Public Library, P Town Life events, PUSD Tutoring program, City of Pleasanton events, PUSD Adult & Career Education, etc.
Many students have already completed their hours before the shelter-in-place order.
“I finished my senior service hours early, so I was not affected by the new senior service hours policy. However, given our current circumstances, I do think that the 300-500 words essay will have to suffice as a substitute for community service. It is a shame though that it does not truly highlight the importance of and meaning behind doing community service”, said Lynn Chen(‘20).
However, for those who haven’t completed their hours yet, the Amador administration has provided an alternative: a community service essay of 350-500 words.
“At the time school was dismissed, I didn’t finish my service hours yet, so I was really worried. But thanks to our admins team, they provided an alternate way to complete that requirement, and I’m able to graduate on time”, said Judy Xu (‘20).
Students will choose three questions out of six to answer in their essay:
- What community service activity that you’ve participated in has meant the most to you?
- What is your favorite memory from performing community service?
- What made you decide to volunteer where you did?
- How has your community service changed your life?
- How has your community service helped others?
- How has your community service affected your plans for the future?
Seniors have until April 24th, 4:00PM to finish and turn in their essay to Ms. Conde.