AVHS Principal Search: Students Give Their Input
May 3, 2019
During ACCESS on Wednesday April 24th, students were the given the opportunity to give their input to help the current search for the next Amador principal of the 2019-2020 school year. Currently, Amador is administered by an interim principal, Nimarta Grewal.
Students sat in a circle in the multi-purpose room with Pleasanton Unified School District superintendent David Haglund and discussed about their concerns about the school, and what they want from a school principal.

Some of topics discussed included student mental health, the new wellness center, and the WASC results. A large portion of the discussion was taken up by the amount of space between the students and the staff.
“Many students feel frustrated, disenfranchised, and unrepresented by school administration. By having events like this forum, school and district leadership can hear from students about their thoughts and priorities. For school administration to improve, students and admin must work together. The forum was a step in the right direction,” said Michael Chen (‘19).
An important part of this event was the fact that PUSD school district superintendent David Haglund attended the meeting and provided input about the issues that were brought up.
“I am in charge of all the schools, and all the districts. We had scheduled meetings like this before, and at the most recent one, I think there was only one student who showed up, and it was mostly parents. And, that was not okay to me, so I asked the board to schedule another meeting at a time that was convenient for the students, and they did,” said superintendent David Haglund.

The search for the new AVHS principal is still ongoing, and students are welcome to voice their opinions and concerns to Amador’s administration and staff. All opinions and voices are appreciated.