For this upcoming school year, the physical education program will be adding another branch to its curriculum. Next year, they will offer a yoga class to everyone to add to their schedules. Dawn Silva will teach this class, and she is excited about what is to come with it.
“I definitely wanna discuss the effects of exercise on physical and mental health, and as far as yoga goes, I’d like to introduce some different styles of yoga, meditatives, restorative, strengthening. Then also I’m hoping to become certified in sound healing,” said PE Department Head Dawn Silva.
There are many different styles of yoga and fitness Silva would like to introduce to the class. Focusing on being a safe relaxing environment as well for the students.
“There are so many benefits to yoga as far as, like stress reduction, improving flexibility, improving strength, confidence” said Silva.
Many benefits go along with taking a yoga class, and Silva hopes to provide that with this class. They don’t know yet how many people have decided to sign up for the class but they assume the people who sign up for lifetime fitness, may sway towards the new yoga class.
“I hope that the program builds because I think that students often think that exercise has to be running or lifting weights and this is an alternative for someone who may not want to run or go in the weight room. I think that it’s also really good about being mindful and just taking a break from a central point in your day,” said Journalism 1-2 advisor Stephanie Kamali
Yoga can be such a great option as a low-cardio way of still being able to get a good workout and calm your mind along with it.
“I have heard about the new yoga class at Amador. I did consider taking it,” said Sari Kinzer (‘27).
Knowing the effects of yoga herself, Silva is excited to teach this class and be able to see the benefits she gets from yoga reflected in her students.