Although she may be tiny, she is fierce. Eliana Caro (‘26) is a beast in the wrestling world, currently placed twenty third in the nation for freestyle wrestling.
“My biggest accomplishment in wrestling has been, traveling around, like, the state and, like, going to all or traveling around, like, the country and going to all these, like, different tournaments just to compete with, like, the best girls in the country,” said Caro.
Wrestling has mainly been a male-dominated sport, but that has slowly started to change. Now, both males and females have begun to compete in the sport together.
“I always thought [wrestling] was, like, just for guys, but my sister really opened that pathway for me,” said Caro.
Caro sees herself as extremely hardworking and is determined to push past any challenge that comes her way.
“[Caro] wasn’t able to go to North Coast because one of her other teammates challenged her and beat her out. And I think that made her desire to get better bigger, and so she’s worked hard,¨ said coach Dennis Golcher.
Caro pushes herself to win as many matches as she can.
“I really like to win and, just, like, while you’re wrestling, like, getting that, like, adrenaline rush is just the best feeling ever,” said Caro.
In the past few years, she transitioned from wrestling for fun to wrestling seriously.
“I’m fully committed to it, and I wanna do as best as I can and accomplish all my goals,” said Caro.
Her efforts have paid off, with her accomplishments recognized by both her teammates and her mentors.
“In our section, she’s probably one of the top two girls in her weight class,” said Golcher.