On September 27th, the animated film The Wild Robot was released, a PG-rated Family/Adventure movie that follows the story of a helper robot named Roz who becomes stranded on an uninhabited island. While in search of a task to complete, a horrible accident places her in the center stage of the animal’s interest and the life of a young gosling. Roz must find where she belongs on the island and in her heart, even if it goes beyond her programming.
The Birth of a Classic
The movie quickly became one of the highest rated movies by Dreamworks Productions since the studio’s founding .Chris Sanders is a well-known director responsible for the multiple animated works. Sander’s renowned reputation is coupled with a star studded cast, including Lupita Nyong’o as Roz the Robot, Pedro Pascal as Fink the Fox, and Kit Connor as Brightbill.
It first debuted at the Toronto International Film Festival and received great ratings from critics. As of 9/27, its release date, review websites such as Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic, and IMDB rate the movie 98%, 85/100, and 8.5/10 respectively, indicating “universal acclaim” by movie critic standards. These scores place the movie amongst long-standing box office hits.
Worth Watching?
The movie’s stunning visuals, whose combined 2D and 3D animation drew inspiration from classic animated Disney movies. Though a family movie, the animation was well-developed and not too cartoonish, reminiscent of classic 2D animations. It appealing to older audiences as well.
Furthermore, the character’s designs were loveable and relatable, though clearly oriented towards kids. The story made good use of references/jokes that more mature audiences would enjoy, though the plot felt slightly rushed.
What stood out the most however was the story’s underlying message. Its lessons about perseverance and individuality were most oriented towards kids. However, it’s more hidden message about the unpredictability and beauty of parenthood was overlooked.
Still, this movie is climbing the charts with its beautiful animation and messages that resonate with all groups of people. While it won’t reach streaming services for a few more months, tickets are still available to watch throughout October.