Amador Valley High School comes together to celebrate Staff Appreciation Week from May 6th-May 10th. For each day of the week, the Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) prepared something special for Amador’s staff.
“So first we did bagels on Monday, and coffee runs in each of the staff rooms. Tuesday we did grab-and-go snacks, where they can drop by, grab a snack, and take it to their room. And then, Wednesday, we did pizza and salad. And then [Thursday], Mustache Mike’s Italian Ice was here. They handed out Italian ice to the teachers. And [Friday] was a Mexican taco bar for lunch,” said PTSA President Kelly Cantu.
Staff around campus indulged in the daily treats the PTSA provided during lunch. Cantu credited Sally Richards, the PTSA Hospitality Chair, for planning and setting up all the treats around campus for staff appreciation week.
“Everybody wants to be recognized and appreciated. It’s just it’s just nice to feel appreciated, and it’s also just nice to give,” said Cantu.
Staff appreciation week is a nation-wide celebration and is an opportunity for communities to express appreciation for staff. It also gives who want to express their gratitude to their teachers a chance to do so.

“You don’t have to go buy a car trip to Hawaii or anything. Just a flower from your garden, just saying ‘thank you for making me a better person and helping me with school’ is enough. That’s all it takes,” said Cantu.
Amidst the celebrations and treats the PTSA set up, the Amador Valley Administration team also prepared one final surprise for staff to express their gratitude for their staff, a small sweet treat to all of them.
On Friday afternoon, Amador staff each received a box adorned with a purple bow and a “Thank you” tag signed ‘From your AV Admin Team.’ The box contained a few beignets with a side of chocolate sauce for staff to enjoy as their week comes to a close.