Amador Assesses its Academic Integrity
November 30, 2018
Amador has always experienced some cheating around campus, but it has escalated more and more over the years. Because students are finding new ways to use their devices, cheating has escalated to a record high. Teachers have definitely noticed the problem, and are working to stop this lack of academic integrity.
“I have seen everything from a kid pulling out answers to a final exam to just, copying other people’s work. I think both those things are cheating, and..they’re not appropriate,” said math teacher Kevin Kiyoi.
The History Department at Amador has specifically experienced a large amount of cheating in the past three or four years, so they are working hard to prevent it from continuing. They solved part of the problem by creating an Academic Integrity form that students have to read and get signed at the beginning of the school year. This is a written contract that explains to students what cheating is, how seriously it is taken, and what the consequences are for doing it.
“We have our students sign a academic integrity contract at the beginning of the year to lay out our expectations and what the consequences will be for cheating. We also create multiple versions of tests, have students sit in SAT like rows, make students put their phones/smart watches and backpacks in the back of the classroom and actively monitor students during exams,” said social studies teacher Antonio Yovino.

To fix this problem, there is an academic integrity board of teachers who recently decided to create a more intense solution. They have decided that the punishment people get for cheating should be decided by their own friends and family.
“I have definitely noticed all the cheating on campus. I mean, I haven’t, but I know how easy it is to cheat, especially with your phone. But having my friends and family decide sounds….too awkward to be worth it,” said Amanda Wang (‘21).
The last few years have been especially brutal because of the inclusion of technology in classrooms, and the advancement of technology at school. With just the touch of a finger, some students are able to find all of the answers to a test.
“I think the first thing is teaching character and integrity, but also, taking a stance. If [students] are going to be cheating now, then what else are they going to cheat on? Do I really want someone operating on me who cheated in biology?” said Kiyoi.
Many students spend hours studying and working for the test that a small group of people took seconds on. Academic integrity should be taken seriously because it is taking away from someone else’s hard work, not because students are forced to follow it.
Check out this video on cheating!