Survivor Week Rally

  • Aryan Veeranki (’25) and Samir Sharma (’25) pose for a picture!

  • The hosts Sam Montoya (’23) and Tommy Balestreri (’23) announcing the next challenge.

  • The freshmen pull with all their might, as the juniors on the other side tug them into the pool.

  • From left to right: Alexander Ferrari (’24), Josh Antony (’24), and Julia Lindstrom (’24) pull as hard as they can.

  • The juniors (’24) after the annoucement of their victory.

  • Junior competitors Alex Ferrari (’24), Emma Vollgraf (’24), Julia Lindstrom (’24), Josh Antony (’24), Gus Shiblaq (’24), and Mathew Foley (’24) after winning.

  • Eoin Stapleton (’25), Avi Easterday (’23), and the rest of the band drim to their hearts content as the students pour in.

  • The freshmen (’26) recruiting from the crowd.

  • In the rally, competitors had to attempt various challenges, the first being a fight in giant hamster balls.

  • The second challenge was a relay race in potato sacks.

  • A junior competitor jumps into the slip and slide.

  • (names) celebrate their performance.

  • Much like the competitors, spectators got soaked during the rally.