PAL’s pals holds 2023 high school art exhibit
PAL’s pals also provided an online art exhibit for people who couldn’t visit the showcase in person.
April 30, 2023
On Apr. 29 to Apr. 30, the Stoneridge Mall hosted a showcasing event for PAL’s pals art contest participants and winners. The event included a brief examination of several student-made art pieces from around the bay area and a ceremony for winners on the second day.
“I found the art showcase to be very beautiful. I didn’t even know that there were people from our school who participated in it. The different categories made everything nice to look at,” said Devika Subramaniam (‘23).
There were a total of six awards given to students in the High School category. The main award was the Best in Show, but there were also other awards including Merit Award and Honorable Mentions.
“I wanted my piece to display a snapshot of traditional American life. Simple, yet bursting with color and life,” said 2023 Best in Show High School winner, Rachel Zhou (‘24).
Countless students from Amador have participated in the event in the past, including Joe Dai (‘23), Larissa Hom (‘24), Shreevishnupriya Jayaprakash (‘24), Ishita Kolkotta (‘26), and more. Every student had a different theme behind their art piece.
“[I chose my theme based on] what I did during the pandemic when it had just broken out. I’d resorted to playing Grand Theft Auto as an escape from reality. My friends and I would always hang at the Diamond, giving it a special place in my heart,” said Dai (‘23).
The art show was located in the central area in front of the Apple store to capture customers’ attention. The many people who pass through the area could stop to appreciate the contest participant’s hard work.
“I think that keeping it right near the Apple store helped bring in a lot more people. I wouldn’t have really known about the event if it were kept elsewhere,” said Subramaniam.
For those who couldn’t see the showroom in person, PAL’s Pals arranged an online version of the entire show.
“Honestly, the pictures look better than ever online as well. Of course, seeing it in person is a lot cooler, but I still think that the online version is a good alternative. Plus, more people can easily see it that way,” said Aaron Sharma (‘25).