AV Stunt team beats Granada in 17-8 win

Emerson Muise, AVT Editor

  • Jackie Pecavar (’25), Presley Cash (’25), and Megan Jagoe (’24) leading their level 2 tumbling routine.

  • Maddie Ebel (’24) and Tayler Krebs (’24) looping Olivia Delgado (’25) through a man made circle.

  • Natalie Smith (’26), accompanied by Kate Dooley (’24) and Jasmine Jadhav (’24).

  • AV stunt team cheering on their other teammates.

  • Mya Smith (‘25) tumbles her way across the mat.

  • Olivia Delgado (‘25) flying in the air, performing AV’s Level 5 stunt.

  • Olivia Delgado (’25), Kate Dooley (’24), and Tayler Krebs (’24) in their signature stunt.

  • Presley Cash (‘25) leading her group as they strike a final pose.