Wind 1 performs at California All State Music Educators Conference

Maximilien Kiyoi, Senior Staff Writer

  • Mya Lee (‘23) stands tall as she plays the bass.

  • Chloe Brunner (‘23) plays her french horn while listening to the rest of the band.

  • Dean Eggers (‘23) holds his clarinet during a rest while looking to the conductor.

  • Trumpet players Kevin Zhu (‘23), Anthony Cardenas (‘24), and Steven Arguello (‘23) attentively play their prepared piece.

  • Soloist Tho Nguyen (‘23) stands and plays her clarinet while concentrating on her sheet music.

  • Band Director Jonathan Grantham boldly directs and leans over his Wind 1 students during their performances.

  • Soloist Jayden Sano (‘24) plays his trombone while looking at his music.

  • Assistant Band Director Edwin Cordoba conducts Wind 1 at the CASMEC showcase.

  • Trombone players Jayden Sano (‘24), Henry Tsay (‘24), and Brady McHargue (‘24) perform together.