Donversity Rally showcases campus diversity through student performances

  • Aniruddha Chiplunkar (’23), one of the various members of Bollywood Club, perform a dance containing a mashup of songs.

  • Amador’s choir harmonizes Babethandaza, a South African folk song.

  • The Gender Sexuality Alliance Club performs a drag show showcasing iconic historic figures in the LGBTQ community.

  • Savana Robles (’24) performs a hip-hop dance solo at Rally A of Donversity in the large gym.

  • Yazmin Martinez (’23) and Esmeralda Vasquez (’24) dance together in the AV Latino Club’s performance.

  • The Korean Culture club strike a pose at the end of the K-Pop dance performance.

  • Following their Valentine’s Dance, Mr. Amador charms the audience with roses.

  • Paying homage to Freddy Mercury’s contributions to the LGBTQ community, the GSA drag show gave the audience “Somebody to Love.”

  • Along with the AV Drumline, James Borris (’24) welcomes students into the gym for the rally.

  • Katherine Foster (’24) shows off her ballet talent in a short solo performance.