Pastry class takes field trip to Safeway

Student walk to Safeway to buy ingredients.
December 12, 2022
The students in Julia Ford’s baking and pastry class took a field trip to Safeway last Thursday, Dec 8. They walked there, bought all items needed within a budget, then walked back.
“I hope it taught students to shop bargains, look for coupons to save money, and just be creative,” Ford
Balanced Budget
The class’s theme for baking this time around was peppermint, so each group had to include peppermint in their recipe. They also had to keep in mind that they had a 10-dollar budget.
“I think it’s important, like Miss Ford said, to look for the best deals,” said Stuart Scranton (‘23).
The class started off by walking to Safeway, and getting their lists out. The class split up into six groups each with their own plan and recipe. One group chose to make peppermint cookies. Selena Yan (‘24) relays what was bought in her group.
“We bought some chocolate chips, we got white and milk chocolate chips, and we also got some peppermint candy canes,” said Scranton.
Another group had some different plans.
“Today at Safeway we bought three candy canes, marshmallows, and a bar of chocolate,” said Scranton (‘23).
With a tight budget, the students had to choose what they could buy carefully. Some students had difficulty keeping within the budget.
“ I was tempted to use my own money to buy some of the stuff,” said Selena Yan (‘24).
“I think ten dollars was enough money because we already have the staples in the classroom, the butter, the sugar, the flour, that didn’t count towards the ten dollars they could spend. So I think it was actually the perfect amount,” said Ford.

(Kaylee Simpson)
Leisure time
With some time to kill, the students ran off to buy their own treats with their own money. “I got a coffee at Petes,” said Scranton.
This field trip was not only to buy ingredients for their following recipe but also to learn how to grocery shop and budget.
“So I think this is a really creative assignment. It’s the first time I’ve done something like this, and I just love students coming up with their own ideas, their own recipes, and being excited about making something in class,“ said Ford.
Ford hopes to bring her students to the grocery store again next year for another exciting outing.