AVtv 12-1-2022

Matthew Nader, AVtv Editor-in-Chief

Today is our 16th show of the year and we have some important announcements about Peer Tutoring, Writer’s Spotlight and Senior Resources.


We also have 3 great segments today:

  1. Oliver De La Torre Baseball Profile
  2. Junior’s Celebrate 20’s Day
  3. AVJ Students Win Big at JEA


We hope you enjoy the show.


Here are the emails & bit.ly’s you’ll see in today’s show:

Join TUPE: bit.ly/AVTUPE

Senior Resources on Counseling Website: bit.ly/3w8QLUr

Sign up for Outdoor Ed: bit.ly/3ALT01d

Counselor Evaluation Request Form: bit.ly/3GiOE61

PPIE Gala Sign-Up: bit.ly/3CpTsTG

Counseling Webinar Slides: bit.ly/3NtdX6Q