Grace Huang

Moore is the 2022-23 SSC senior student representative.

Terrence Moore (’23)

Responses are official written statements from Moore, and were edited for length and clarity. 

What made you interested in running for Student Site Council?

I saw the email that the administration had sent out and I thought the position seemed interesting. I’ve been working as the Board Representative for Amador so I thought I would be a good candidate for the position, and I wanted to broaden my knowledge on the issues plaguing Amador. 

What are the main issues you’d like to address as a student representative? 

The SSC is in charge of distributing a budget of around six figures or so, and I want to put more money addressing issues that actually affect Amador students, such as lack of tissues and school supplies. 

Describe how the first SSC meeting went and what items were discussed. 

The first SSC meeting went well. We delegated members to be chair, vice chair, parliamentarian, and secretary, as well as going over last year’s agenda and how SSC works. I was surprised at how many adults and teachers I know that are in SSC, and it’s cool to be able to cooperate with them to solve problems at Amador. 

How did you feel when you found out you got the position? 

I was super excited, especially because I intend on using the data and information I get from SSC and reporting it to the PUSD Board of Trustees, in hopes of getting them to help us out financially. It’s pretty cool that I get to work with such a diverse and talented group of adults and students, and I’m positive that we will be able to make big changes at Amador through SSC. 

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