Grace Huang

Dhillon is the 2022-23 SSC junior student representative.

Ishmeet Dhillon (’24)

Responses are official written statements from Dhillon, and were edited for length and clarity. 

What made you interested in running for Student Site Council?

I received an email from Mrs. Harris, with a nomination form. It seemed like a great opportunity, so I filled it out. I’ve had many leadership positions in the past, but never one that would allow me to have a direct impact on my peers. This position enables me to provide input on many things that affect us as students, and that is really important to me. 

What are the main issues you’d like to address as a student representative? 

As Student Representative, it is my goal and duty to address whatever issues face the student body. I want to make sure that the decisions that are made by this council reflect student data and statistics, and accurately address students’ needs.

Describe how the first SSC meeting went and what items were discussed.

The first SSC meeting was where we received training for the SSC roles and where we were able to get used to the format of meetings. In addition, we elected chairperson, vice chairperson, secretary, and parliamentarian. I am the chairperson of the council, and I work with Mr. Fey, the principal, to set agendas, convene with all other representatives, plan and lead meetings, etc.

How did you feel when you found out you got the position? 

I was really excited when I found out I got the position because being an SSC representative was something that I really wanted to do. Getting the position meant I would be able to have a place in the school’s decision making, which is something I’ve wanted since freshman year.

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