Grace Huang

Channon is the 2022-23 SSC freshman student representative.

Jiya Channon (’26)

Responses are official written statements from Channon, and were edited for length and clarity. 

What made you interested in running for Student Site Council?

I love partaking in leadership activities, and I was so excited to see an opportunity. I have done SSC in middle school and enjoyed it. I saw the email and immediately wanted to be a representative because I want to be able to share my ideas with my peers.

What are the main issues you’d like to address as a student representative?

This school year, I have yet to see any main issues to address. Our faculty are all great as well as our events. I’m sure there will be things that I will want to address but as of now there isn’t.

Describe how the first SSC meeting went and what items were discussed.

The first meeting was organized and productive, and I was able to meet other members of the council. We had gone over what SSC does and our roles, and later, we voted for the officers. For the Chairperson, we voted for the junior class. The Vice-chairperson is a parent. Although we did not discuss anything about the next school year, I found the meeting very informative.

How did you feel when you found out you got the position?

I was incredibly excited with the results. I had put a lot of effort into my ballot and encouraged people to vote. I am glad my hard work paid off, and I’m very grateful for the opportunity.

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