Senior sunrise to sunset — what has changed with seniors’ mindset of high school?
The sunset allows seniors to reminisce on their high school experiences.
May 29, 2022
One of Amador’s many senior traditions is a class trip to Mission Hills park to watch the sunset together. At the beginning of the year, many seniors went to this same hill to watch the sunrise. Both of these events are symbolic of a final beginning and the end of an important chapter of their lives.
“Watching the sunrise with my friends the day before school was really special. None of us knew what was to come senior year, especially since we had all just missed school for COVID-19,” said Anvitha Abhinand-Iyer (‘22)
Since senior sunrise, a lot has changed for many seniors. Many now know their plans for after high school, whether that be a typical four year college, community college, or even enlisting in the military. Many seniors turned 18 and have started their journey towards adulthood.
“This year was definitely filled with change. We has lost so much of our high school experience to the pandemic, so a lot of our firsts were this year. I felt more connected to Amador with spirit and community since we were able to have rallies and social events, like senior ball,” said Abhinand-Iyer.
For many, the time between senior sunrise and senior sunset has been about growth. The majority of students will be leaving Pleasanton, which has caused many to come into their own and find out what they are passionate about.
“I know I’ve gotten to know myself a lot better. I had a lot more freedom and that allowed me to grow up a bit. It sounds corny, but I feel like freshman year me, and even senior sunrise me, would be happy to see where I’m at,” said Christian Tamayo (‘22).
With the end of the year just around the corner, the senior sunset will be one of the last events the seniors will have as a part of Amador. It will take place on May 30 at 7:45 p.m.