Amador’s Lip Dub comes back after four years
Sara Kracke and Giuliana Barthel
May 24, 2022
Journalism’s lip dubbers, Steven Yang (’23) and Leila Touati (’22) practice their lyrics before the first run.
Percussion pumps the students up with drums and cymbals.
Amador’s basketball team dresses in bright jerseys, awaiting to get in formation.
Elyssa Lieu (’22) and Jeanette D’Addabbo study the pathways of the camera so they can best be perpared to cheer on their class.
In preparation for the lip dub, Amador’s students decorate their arms and legs with spirited body paint.
While waiting for the lip dub run to immense, students sit in groups playing games.
Minutes before the lip dub, students get into place, prepared to cheer.
Students flood in front of the camera to show off their clubs and show school spirit.
Amador’s special ed staff pose for a picture wearing Amador spirit and fun props.
Amador’s class of ’22 runs to be featured in the ending senior crowd.
All the students race towards the field to be in the remaining seconds of the video.
Girls and boys lacrosse, raise their sticks in excitement as the long wait to be in the lip dub is almost be over.
Baseball will hit the lip dub off through the H building hall out to the rest of the groups!
Amador’s UAVS club can’t wait to show their innovative vehicles in the video!
Cross country is preparing for an exciting entrance for their part in the lip dub.
The lip dub is nothing compared to the 400 mh for track and field!
English for change is excited to share and bring attention to their cause during the lip dub video.
Softball is ready to hit this lip dub out of the park!
Soria Bohner (‘22) should win most spirited as she goes all out for comp civics.
Cheer, the national champions, are ready to show off their medals in the lip dub.
Dance team is ready to show some moves in the lip dub.
Latino club will be bringing lots of color to the lip dub with papel picado.
DECA is ready to bring more attention to its club in the lip dub.
Even the world language teachers are ecstatic to participate in the lip dub video!
Lead club members are happy to be representing their achievements for this school event!
The last but not least to go in the lip dub, football, will be dubbing the don squad rap.