Donversity 2022 holds engaging lunch activities

Sharon Jiang

Students attend the sustainability activity during lunch time

Jocelyn Hsu, Staff Writer

This Donversity week, students and teachers put in effort to create a diverse community at Amador. The lunch activities organized by leadership class enabled everyone on the campus to get involved easily.

“The process has been a lot of fun. We have different sub committees and lunch activity is a separate sub-committee. We pick activities for each day, such as the club festival we have on Wednesday, Thursday we have a drummer come, painting rocks, and we have a world map for students to pin where they or their family’s from,” said Sarah-Rose Nicolson (‘22), Leadership student. 

The yoga activity on Tuesday with Mrs. Scavone and Mrs. Silva created a quiet place for students in order to decrease test anxiety. Sadly, due to lack of advertisement, only a small part of students were informed, causing there to be only a few participants.  

“I had two students that came and it seemed like they really enjoyed it… They like it to get rid of some stress. Although there are only two students, they said that they would like to do it again,” said Dawn Silva, physical education teacher at Amador.

On the following day, the club fair provided an opportunity for clubs at Amador to exhibit their culture. The clubs sold foods and small items they designed to help fundraise their club.  

“My experience with the Donversity activities was really great. I really got to learn about a lot of different clubs and kind of see the different cultures at Amador representative. Since there was COVID last year and the year before, this was actually my first Donversity,” said Tony Wang (‘23).  

Beside activities that help students be inclusive as a part of the community, the Art Gallery was also a legacy in Donversity history by providing a place for art students at Amador to show off their talent.

“We decided to have an art exhibit in the library during Donversity to show off the wide variety of artists we have here on campus and the different types of art works they made,” said Erik Scherer, head librarian at Amador.

The art gallery gathered excellent pieces from students from Digital Art, AP Art and Photography. The exhibition allows students to get in touch with different types of art forms.

“I feel like our art show celebrates all of our differences, and all of our similarities as human beings try to find a way to express themselves visually…[and] celebrates everybody’s different way of looking at the world,” said Merilee Fisher, AV Photography Teacher.

Amador has been trying to be able to have options for everyone every single day in a variety of different students. By using time during lunch inviting clubs, artists, diverse guests is a way for students to get a wider insight into the world. 

‘’I think it’s a good idea because students are all centralized during lunch. It’s a way where if you are at lunch, and you see a bunch of people and a bunch of events you can easily go to it whereas other times that it’s more difficult. And it also just brings students together’’ said  Nicolson

  • The International Advance Math Society sells Italian ice for fundraising.

  • Students attend the sustainability activity during lunch time

  • Students from AV Local Leaders illustrate their sustainability shop exhibition.

  • Students’ works from photography class are shown in the Art Gallery.

  • The art gallery in the library exhibits the artwork and paintings created by students of AP Art.

  • BSU, Black Student Union, selling their well designed items in the Donversity club fair during lunch.

  • The Girls Who Code members sell homemade bundt cake for fundraising.