Mr. Amador performs with Creatures of Impulse in an improv battle

Ritika Gupta

The Creatures of Impulse cast and Mr. Amador boys waiting on stage for the next game to begin.

On February 24th, the Creatures of Impulse troupe faced the Mr. Amador boys in an improv battle for the title belt. After a great deal of drama, a side of chaos, and a pinch of absurdity, the show turned out to be a smashing success. 

“This is something that we do with Creatures of Impulse every year. It is one of my favorite Mr. Amador events that we put on, and we’re so lucky to be able to do this again. The director of Creatures of Impulse reached out to us, and we were able to put on this awesome event,” said Mr. Amador organizer Amelia Flores (‘22).

As most of the Mr. Amador boys didn’t have any prior experience with improv or acting, they were stunned with how it all works.  

“I had no clue coming into this. We did the first few practices this week, and I was blown away,” said Mr. Keeping up with the Kardashians Evan Grell (‘23).

Despite having no experience in the field of stage drama, the boys performed well up on the stage, getting tons of laughs and keeping the crowd engaged.

“I think at first they were definitely hesitant. I don’t think any of them had really done improv before, but I think despite that, they performed so well and they were so funny,” said Flores.

The reason behind the boys’ splendid performance? Their creative and on the spot thinking.

“Honestly, just dig deep into my creativity, bring it all…kind of just think of whatever I can and try to win over the crowd,” said Grell.

Though they were nervous, the improv crew members were impressed with the boys’ performance as well.

“We’ve been practicing and doing this for so long, and we’re working so hard on it, and I was like ‘Oh no, we’re throwing the boys into the deep end, I hope that they are ok!’ But they took it so well! Their enthusiasm just really made the night,” said Creatures of Impulse member  Isabelle Morales (‘22).

To the experienced improvisers, the Mr. Amador crew brought many new perspectives to the stage, making the show all the more unique and interesting to the crowd.

‘It’s always so interesting, because the Mr. Amador boys had a totally different perspective, and especially the fact they’ve only done improv like one or two times before. It’s always really interesting to see how they do, and they pick it up so quickly, so it’s definitely a fun time working with the boys,” said Creatures of Impulse member Sahana Kumar (‘22).

In addition to smashing it in their improv debut, the boys also learned of a new perspective to the rigor of improvisation.

“I had no clue what improv was, and I really enjoyed the Creatures of Impulse having us over, teaching us what they do,” said Grell.

The event also marks a successful start to the Mr. Amador program, a non-profit event at Amador Valley High School that consists of high school students facing off at a male beauty pageant.

“I think this event is definitely going to make people more interested in Mr. Amador. It’s one of our first events that we put on in front of the community, so I hope everyone liked it, and I hope this makes people want to donate, and get more involved with what we do,” said Flores.

Mr. Amador is a non-profit event at Amador Valley High School that consists of high school students facing off at a male beauty pageant. The organization raises money for the George Mark Children’s House, which houses terminally ill kids and cares for them. 

“My [improvisation] skills, my charisma, and my attractiveness. Who wouldn’t donate to me?” said Mr. Hell’s Kitchen Aadit Policepatil (‘22).

“Keeping up with the Kardashians, great show, everybody loves it. I hope I can put on a good show when the night comes, and raise a lot of money. It’s for the kids,” said Grell.

With the colorful cast of boys and events as spectacular as the Creatures of Impulse and Mr. Amador face off, this year is bound to end up being a special one for the program.

  • The Mr. Amador boys practicing for their face off with Creatures of Impulse.

  • The host of the face off presents the title belt, what each team is fighting to win.

  • Mr. Jersey Shore Matthew Carter (’22) performs in a hilarious game with two Creatures of Impulse members.

  • The Creatures of Impulse cast gives away awards to the audience at the end of each round.

  • Mr. Survior Ryan Lau (’22) and Mr. Hell’s Kitchen Aadit Policepatl (’22) perform in a scene about the food not being up to par in a restaurant.