Amador battles hard at the NCS Foothill basketball game

Renna Popli and Parth Mishra

  • Brady Nassar (’21) attempting to block a shot from Foothill.

  • Bryce Osaki (’22) making some practice shots.

  • Bryce Osaki with the ball, ready to lead the team into the offense.

  • Colton Cash (’23) eyes his peripheries, looking for a teammate to pass the ball to.

  • A heavily guarded foothill player; the Amador Basketball team didn’t go down without a fight.

  • Bryce Osaki (’22) attempting to move past Foothills’ practiced defense.

  • The team focuses on getting past Foothill’s defenses in hopes of scoring a point.

  • A heated confrontation on the paint between Bryce Osaki and two Foothill players.

  • Colin Wallace is surrounded by Foothill players, demonstrating that even the best players on the team struggled to get past Foothill’s practiced defense.

  • Cheng (’23) shoots a free throw, as Foothill gets ready to grab the ball.

  • Colin Wallace (’23) leaps through the air attempting to score.

  • Halftime was nothing short of entertaining, with aspiring basketball players showing off their skills in front of the large crowd.

  • Colin Wallace (’23) and teammates not only working hard, but thinking hard.

  • Halftime practice saw the team get ready for a challenging second half.

  • Colin Wallace (’23) prepares to shoot a free throw.

  • While in the end Foothill succeeded in obtaining the victory, Amador certainly didn’t make it easy on them, with constant pressure and quick turnovers being the norm.

  • Tyler Chang (’23) shoots his free throw.

  • Logan Roloff shooting his first free throw shot.