AVHS Love Week celebrates self-love

Renna Popli, AVT Editor-in-Chief

  • Sahithya Subraminiam (’24), Julie Asturias (’24), and Maddie Kostalnick (’24) practice self love by wearing PJ’s to school.

  • Ritika Gupta (’24) and Soumya Rangan (’23) wear pink and red to show their love for AV staff.

  • Carol Xu (’23) and Katy Clark (’24) deck out in red on Staff Love Day.

  • Bellami Fukada (’25), Leila Brown (’22) and Eden Rebello (’25) wear yellow to remind their fellow Dons to spread kindness.

  • Dahlia Versteeg (’23), Aubrey Tran (’23) and Saniya Vaidya (’23) wear purple and gold for Don Deckout Day.

  • Ms. Kroll, AV librarian, wears Amador spirit wear for Don Deckout Day.