Amador Varsity Girls Soccer kick off the first half of the season undefeated

Parker Brown, Staff Writer

  • From left to right, Audrey Ku (‘23), Sydney Head (‘24), Alden Hofstede (‘25), Kaia hoyman (‘25), and Kylie Beeby (‘22) all cheer on their teammates and prepare to get back in the game.

  • Kylie Beeby (‘22) and her teammates jog off the field to talk with the team about strategies to take home the win.

  • The Girls Varsity Team gets in a large huddle before the game to communicate tactics and share pep talks.

  • Ava Hofstede (‘23) rushes to regain possession of the ball to get it away from the opposing side and pass it to her teammates to score a goal.

  • Emma Fuller (‘23) changes speed to get to the ball and find an open player.

  • Natalie O’Sullivan (‘22) runs across the field with the ball close in control.

  • Brooke Walker (‘23) looks up in determination, trying to find any midfielders open.