What is PUSD doing to help prevent the spread of Omicron?
January 17, 2022
Following winter break, the Pleasanton Unified School District (PUSD) has implemented a numerous number of extra precautions aimed at inhibiting the spread of the highly contagious Omicron variant.
“Testing is the number one thing that we’re doing to stay safe right now. Any student that comes to the health office reporting COVID symptoms will be excused to go home and before they can return, they are required to have two negative COVID tests,” said Amador Health Services Assistant Pamela Lucero.
In addition to an effective testing system, district officials have emailed students and parents reinforcing the importance of wearing masks appropriately, isolation guidelines, and more.
“I have read some of the emails sent out about COVID and I think it is just a sign of how serious the Omicron variant is and how we all need to take extra steps at keeping everyone safe,” said Ativ Asarawala (‘24).
PUSD has also been encouraging people to get vaccinated as soon as possible, providing students with updated vaccination and booster guidance as well as clinics where the vaccine is offered.
“When Omicron spins out of control, students are missing school. One of the most important things we want to do is to keep the campus healthy and keep students in school,” said Lucero.
Teachers have also been taking time in class to emphasize social distancing and masking guidelines, and enforcing stricter policies in an effort to keep everyone safe.
“My teachers have started calling out people when they are wearing masks incorrectly and have also started making us more religiously sign out whenever we need to go out of the classroom,” said Asarawala.
Additionally, if any student or staff is in need of a COVID test, PUSD has opened testing to students and staff at Hart Middle School.
“We are very fortunate because all over the state, it has been extremely difficult to get a testing kit or appointment and in Pleasanton, we can be tested right away at Hart Middle School,” said Lucero.
Even with these new restrictions, PUSD has focused immensely on ensuring that teachers and students have the necessary resources in order to make certain that Amador is a healthy learning environment for all.
“We have a great team at Amador – everyone is trying very hard to stay on top of it, keep a positive attitude, and be friendly to students. I have had parents who are really angry, and in the current situation, that really does not help anybody. Also, I have had parents who have been really kind and understanding. We really appreciate when everybody is just trying to follow the rules and understand that everything really changes by the minute. It is really crucial to remain positive, now more than ever,” said Lucero.