Admin close Amador Theater parking lot during lunchtime
Students pick up their lunches in front of the Q building starting from November 30.
December 3, 2021
Amador Vice Principal Brendan Nelson recently sent out emails detailing the closure of the theater parking lot during lunch for lunch drop-off. Amador has relocated the drop-off table to in front of the Q building.
“Due to safety concerns and the high volume of traffic, we are closing the Amador Theatre parking lot, just outside the main office, during lunch. The drop off table for lunches and other items will be relocated in front of the Q building,” said Nelson in an email to students and parents.
Many Amador parents drop off lunches right before lunch, creating traffic jams in the theater parking lot. This was the second time that the lunch drop off section changed. The smell was so pungent that the administration moved it to the location in front of the theater parking lot.
“Santa Rita parking lot has 2 routes that can come into the parking lot, while the theater parking lot only has one. Parents try to rush and it creates blockage on the main road as well if there are many parents who are dropping off lunch to students,” says Lucas Zhong (‘23).
Before this change, many students picked up their lunches from their parents in front of the theater parking lot next to the office.
“Picking up my lunch is the exact same as before. The parents are behind the gate, and the biggest inconvenience for them is that the table is behind the gate. Usually there isn’t that much traffic, but emergency vehicles will have a hard time getting in,” says Oscar Li (‘23).

Now, the table is moved to the Q buildings with parents using the bigger Santa Rita parking lot to drop off lunches.
“Lunch times are short. Now, the new lunch spot is at the corner of the school which drastically impacts students who had classes on the other side of the school and who eat there. The process of picking up lunch is the exact same as before,” said Li.
Although some students have to walk a bit more to reach the drop-off site, the safety concerns are addressed by this change.