Amador’s Fall Play, Three Murders and it’s Only Monday

Soumya Rangan and Renna Popli

  • Camden Nauroth (’24) and Leila Brown (’22) as Laramore Mandrake and Lily Dramkean.

  • Laramore Mandrake (Camden Nauroth) expressing his distress over the many murders happening in the house.

  • Leila Brown (’22) returns as the friendly neighbor…or is she?

  • Anna Feitleberg (’23), Delaney Roehrs (’22), Stuart Scranton (’23), Leila Brown (’22), and Camden Nauroth (’24) pressed up against the wall in fear.

  • Fried and Roehrs are completely in character, as they await instructions and dialogue from the detective.

  • As Camden Nauroth unexpectedly falls dead to the ground, the others crowd around, figuring out what the cause of the death was.

  • The old woman from next door reveals herself as Lily Dramkean (played by Leila Brown)–and the murderer.

  • The actors crowd to take a group picture after their successful first performance.