Dons unite with spirit for homecoming week

  • Connor Dantzig (’22) hosts the homecoming rally dressed in 70’s gear, the theme for seniors.

  • Dons Natalie Kong (’24), Jishnu Deep (’24), Isabella Wolgraff (’24), and Elizabeth Hong (’24), who were nominated for homecoming court and royalty, line up to see who gets the red rose, crowning themselves winner.

  • During the homecoming rally, the dance team shows off their new choreography.

  • Amador cheerleaders rile up the crowds and keep spirits high at the Amador football game.

  • Amador football player dodges opposing team, grasping onto to the football.

  • Ashley Torres (’22) smiles with Sydney Seltzer (’22) who is wearing the don mascot costume.

  • Taking over the field for halftime, is the marching dons, who blew everyone away with their great performance.

  • Carson Candler (’22) shows his don squad spirt hyping up the purple pit.

  • Don squad leads the Purple Pit with spirt and intensity for the last home game.

  • AV Students dance under the gleaming disco ball as music bursts out of the speakers.

Check out more pictures in the photo album!