What happened to common decency?
Hotlines and numbers you can call to talk about sexual harassment or assault, discrimination, or feelings of discomfort.
September 29, 2021
Students have increasingly experienced concerning issues like sexual harassment, discrimination, and the use of hateful slurs.
“I was in a crowded line waiting to get my lunch. This boy came up behind me, really close and started rubbing against my thigh. Each time I tried to move away, he came closer. I tried to think of any reason that excused his behavior. After getting my food and walking away, I heard his friends laughing at the topic of humping girls in the lunch line. I felt speechless, violated, and horrified,” said Anonymous.
Hurtful and discriminatory language around campus has also been witnessed a number of times. Not only is this behavior mentally damaging to those targeted, but it also compromises Amador’s integrity and values.
“I was inside my next class waiting for the bell to ring, when a group of 12 boys started to catch my attention. They were outside the classroom and were saying crude innuendos about women and calling each other gay. After listening to all of this, I was disappointed in my generation,” said another student.
If you or someone you know has experienced any form of discrimination or sexual harassment and assault, use the following resources to get help and support:
Report to a School Resource Officer
Talk to Your School Support Counselors: https://sites.google.com/pleasantonusd.net/amadorhighschoolcounseling/home?pli=1&authuser=1
A SAFE PLACE—Teen Dating Violence
Anonymous Student Tip Line
(925) 417-5199
Crisis Hotline
1 (800) 309-2131
LGBTQ Crisis Support
1 (866) 488-7386