A day with the marching band
Sara Kracke and Anaita Mistry
August 30, 2021
The colorguard meet with the captains to reflect on show performance and listen to announcments.
The AVHS marching band practices marching in time, an integral part of the show.
Solo shot of senior drum major, Julia Szambelan (’22), conducting the band to success.
Principal Butterfield admiring the band as they play and perform their 2021 fall show.
The drum line is an integral part of the band, providing a beat and rhythm to the show.
The colorguard intensely learns to put choreography to music, accentuating the show with billowing flags.
Trumpets performing with drum major in the background, making sure they’re in their perfect spots.
Between drills players take time to correct their mistakes and perfect their technique.
Colorguard member tossing her rifle in the air, clearly demonstrating the saying “practice makes perfect.”
Band directors chat with the students after practice on their performance, reflecting on what they could do better.
The colorguard meet with the captains to reflect on show performance and listen to announcments.
The AVHS marching band practices marching in time, an integral part of the show.