Amador v. Livermore! Varsity Boys Basketball

Renna Popli and Soumya Rangan

  • The whole team huddling up before the game.

  • Livermore snags the ball off the tip-off.

  • Yash Maheshwaran (’21) throws the ball in.

  • DJ Miranda (’21) drives forward on offense.

  • Javier Gros-Suarez (’23) shoots his free throw shot.

  • DJ Miranda (’21) looks for an open teammate to pass the ball to.

  • As the game grows tense, Javier Gros-Suarez (’23) prepares hard to shoot his free throw.

  • Javier Gros-Suarez (’23) and Jackson Morgenstern (’23) wrestle to take the ball from the opponent.

  • Tyler Cheng (’23) looks up to the hoop, judging the perfect time to shoot to get a point.

  • After getting fouled, DJ Miranda (’21) shoots for a free point.

  • Jesse Huang (’23), Jason Ooi (’23), Abe Tabatabaian (’22), Yash Maheshwaran (’21) and Trevor Cheng (’21) cheer on their teammates on the court.

  • Though Amador wins the game, they stay cordial with the other team.