Filoli Historic House and Garden

Welcome to Filoli Historic House and Garden! The estate was built in 1915 and the gardens were later created in 1937. Beginning in 1975, Filoli was in historic preservation and open to visitors. Nearly 50 years later, people from all over the country continue to visit the house and the nearby gardens.

Leila Touati, Senior Editor

  • Fight Love Live is the meaning of Filoli.

  • Filoli is home to many small ponds and flowers of all varieties. In the Sunken Garden, the clock tower is in view.

  • A couple sits nearby the pool while using umbrellas to shield themselves from the sun.

  • Lurline B. Roth was the owner and creator of the gardens.

  • Pink tulips can be found at the entrance of the Dutch Garden.

  • Fallen camellias reside in a fountain meant for birds.

  • Crowds of tulips cover the Dutch Garden.

  • The daffodil fields on the far right of the estate provide a breathtaking view of the flowers

  • Accompanying the daffodil garden, cherry blossom trees are planted to sprout during the seasons when the daffodils do not bloom.

  • Pots filled with tulips, roses, and other flowers can be found all around the gardens.

  • Potted tulips surround a hydroponic garden.

  • Inside the sitting room, chairs are set up for guests to rest upon, but during Covid-19 they are not used.

  • Birds feel at home in the Filoli gardens.

  • Adorned with daffodils and hyacinths, a door leads to the estate’s house.