School in-person will bring a sense of normalcy
We hope by taking precautions carefully that we will be able to return to school and have some normalcy back.
February 15, 2021
The talk about returning to school has been up for discussion as soon as the Alameda County area enters the red tier, with elementary schools returning first then following other grades.
Students of all grades have been missing out on daily in-person interactions with classmates and teachers.
“I definitely think that online learning has made a huge negative impact on the social aspect of school. Socializing is nowhere near the same through online class as it in person-we just don’t get the same interaction because a lot of times it’s awkward talking on zoom,” said Kyleigh Leung (‘22).
If we are able to return to school, having a safe environment is most important. Saying that, it is more beneficial for elementary kids to since they really only have one class they go to so there is less exposure towards everyone.
“It is more beneficial because they only go to one class which limits the amount of people interacting. It is way less exposure for elementary schools than middle and high schools because teachers have so many students that go to different classes,” said Ella Gervasoni (‘22).
Many believe that we should wait until students have received the vaccine so that it will be a safer environment for everyone. However, if we take the necessary precautions there is no need also with the help of the red tier.
“I believe we should all get vaccinated but take precautions seriously as well. Vaccinations aren’t necessary, but I would recommend,” said Rylie Palfalvi (‘22).