How peaceful will this transition really be
Most people, Democrats and Republicans, are unsure if this transfer of power will be smooth.
January 16, 2021
Though America knew that the transition of the presidential powers would be a difficult one, no one would have thought that democracy would almost be lost.
Ever since the debates in October, President Trump has repeatedly insinuated that there might not be a peaceful transfer of power. On September 24th, he told BBC that “we’ll have to see what happens,” not committing to a peaceful transition.
With the atrocious activities on January 6th, it is becoming increasingly clear that Trump is not consenting to a peaceful transition of power. On Wednesday, Trump held a rally with over 30,000 protesting the fact that he lost in the 2020 elections. However, during the rally, Trump told the crowd that “if [they] don’t fight like hell, [they’re] not going to have a country anymore.”
By insinuating that the protestors fight for “what is right,” he invoked a riot at Capitol Hill that killed 4 people and brought terror to the White House, and the whole of America. By calling the protestors “special” in his video response on Twitter, he shows that he supports violence and will do anything to “win” back the election.
“This [event] has left the country in a state of panic and insecurity as they have seen their own president will not protect them from harms way,” said Max Quarneri (‘23).
“If he cared about America more than his own party, he would’ve condemned both the BLM riots and those on Capitol Hill. Instead, he treated BLM rioters as lawless anarchic criminals, and … the Capitol Hill rioters as good citizens that are loved and appreciated,” said Kamal Gamoji (‘22).
With many world leaders commenting about the event, it is clear that America is not the shining light of acceptance and diversity as it used to be. However, it does not end here. After these shameful events, one would assume that Trump would step down.
Instead, just days before Biden takes power, Trump continues. By putting Cuba on the terror list, and signing new carbon emission standards, he remains intent on continuing to be president during this “lame duck” period.
“Trump is failing to admit that he hasn’t done the best job for this country,” and that “he has hurt America by provoking his supporters and keeping the media … [in] his shadow.” said Aniruddha Chiplunkar (‘23).
With impeachment trials underway, Congress is doing the best it can for America, but many people have conflicting opinions.
“The impeachment news will make the transition even more difficult and less peaceful,” and that “his radical supporters will try anything to keep him in office,” said Nikki Bondale (‘21).